ED Service-Center

Elektronik - Meteorologi - Oceanografi - Miljø - Energi - Procesteknik

Weather Stations for Waste DepositingWeather Stations for Waste Depositing 

Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Stations have been used at several Waste Deposit Stations for monitoring the weather parameters and especially monitoring precipitation for annually calculation of the percolat production.
VantagePro has been used, due to precision in sensors, well-function software and a low price. Lifetime for the stations are typically 3 to 5 years, depending of the environments around the stations. 



Waste Depositing Stations in Denmark
System: Davis Vantage Pro2
Data Handling: On-line through wireless connection between Sensor Unit and Console.
WeatherLink Datalogger and software is used for logging and analyzing of data.

percolat: Concept definition: * Water that moves slowly through small openings of a porous material such as soil or the amount of water that has been involved in seepage. (Source: BJGEO)